Thursday, September 9, 2010

Japanese "handy towel" & American "dish cloths"



I always have a handy towel in my purse in Japan. One day, I noticed that I didn't use it when I went out since I came to Buffalo. I used it when I washed my hands in a restroom in Japan.  There is soap and paper towels in the restrooms in the airport, shops, restaurants and supermarkets - they have these things everywhere in the United States.




I wanted to bring American handy towels to my friends as souvenirs when I took a trip back to Japan.  I felt very sorry because I couldn't find them, so I showed them to Amanda and I asked where to buy them.
She asked me, "What is this for?" I was so surprised by her words. I learned that Americans don't need them. She added that her mother might have used a similar cloth - a handkerchief - when she was young. She suprised me by saying, "If I got a Japanese handy towel as a souvenir from Japan, I would not be sure if it is for washing dishes or wiping my glasses. I wouldn't imagine that it is for drying my hands."

私が持っているタオルハンカチ(These are my handy towels)

その話から日本では見たことがない物があることも判明。(私が知らないだけ?)それは食器を洗うための布巾。これはコットンだったりタオルだったり。これが結構大きくて 約33cm×33cmもあります。

From this conversation, I learned about American dish cloths. I haven't seen them in Japan. (Maybe they are in Japan and I have just not seen them) They are made of cotton cloth. It is big - 13in×13in.

アメリカの食器洗い用布巾(These are dish cloths)

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