Thursday, September 2, 2010

American Girl & American Doll Boutique

ある日、アマンダが「お母さんはお人形用のブティックを持っているの」・・その話から始まり、アメリカの女の子たちが自分の分身のように大事にしている人形が色々あることを知りました。そのうちの一つにAmerican Girl という人形があります。肌の色から目の色、髪の毛の色まで自分そっくりの人形を選ぶことができるそうです。サンディは毎年秋から冬にかけて開かれる各地のクラフトショーに自分の作った人形の洋服を出品しています。是非、彼女のサイトをご覧ください(英文の中)。そこを訪れていくつか服を買ってみたくて私もネットでAmerican Girl を買ってみました。私の人形は双子の一人で、双子の私の子供のころに少しだけ似ています。初めてサンディのサイトを見たときにはその洋服の数の多さとセンスの良さに感動しました。

One day, Amanda told me, "My mother has a doll clothes boutique." I learned about popular dolls in America.  One kind of doll is the American Girl doll.  They are dolls for American girls: many girls treat their doll like another person like them.
They select the same skin color, same eye color and same hair color as themselves. Amanda's mother, Sandie makes clothes and sells them at craft shows from fall through winter.  She has a website where she can sell her clothes and people can see her craft show schedule.
I bought the doll online, as  I wanted to visit her shop in craft shows. My doll is one of a pair of twins. I am a twin, too and she looks a little like I did when I was a child. When I saw Sandie's site for the first time, I was moved by the numerous clothes and her talent. She has good taste!

Here is my doll, Nontan, with her new clothes that Sandie made.

This is Sandie's shop in a craft show in last fall; she had great success!


  1. What a nice posting! I am touched that you enjoy my doll clothes so much. I love how you pose Nontan with the different outfits. You are very creative! Sandie

  2. I am enjoying my Buffalo life thanks to you, Sandie!
