Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Food ~ 食べ物事情


My daughter sometimes sends emails to me with pictures of her meals when she is particularly satisfied with them.

Stewed pork and Napa Cabbage


It looked delicious. I want to try cook it, but it is difficult to cook it here. It is not easy to get thinly sliced pork or Napa cabbage.


I have ordered sliced pork at the supermarket. I asked the man to slice the pork as thinly as possible . The man asked me, " How is it?" and showed it to me after he sliced it, I was very surprised that he sliced the pork with a knife. It was thick enough to cook "shouga-yaki" (Japanese pork sauté).
I wondered why they don't slice thin meat with a slicer, although they sliced thin ham for us according to personal preference with a slicer. Besides, the Napa cabbage is very expensive; it is about $ 8-12 for one.


By the way, there is a sushi corner in this supermarket. They demonstrate and sell sushi there. One day, I bought a "Spider roll." I asked him what is in it. He told me that he used "Social crab" for it; I wondered why I have never heard the name social crab.  Oh, no! No! I heard "social crab" instead of "soft-shell crab." I felt foolish that I had misheard it, and I laughed about it later.

Incidentally I learned that soft shell crab isn't actually a name of the type of crab used, it is a description. We call any crab that must be eaten within four days of molting "soft shell crab."

Spider Roll


The spider roll was delicious. They use deep fried soft shell crab, cucumber and avocado and so on.
The taste is a little spicy. What you see on top of the sushi is Tobiko. The sushi was not only delicious, but also expensive: $7.99 for 5 pieces.


I often eat fresh fish in Japan, but it is difficult to get it in Buffalo. I learned that meat is more delicious and cheaper in Buffalo than in Japan. I also learned that eating food close to where it comes from makes it the most delicious. They have many kind of meat and also cheese here.

One day, I found fish like this at a store.

Smoked Salmon


The smoked salmon doesn't have a fishy smell, and I enjoyed the smoky flavor. But it was also expensive, about $8 for one piece.  


Americans have a lot of sweets. We don't often find salty snacks. Potato chips are too heavy for my stomach. I found a snack of flavored peas. It is lighter than potato chips.

『Saya』はアジア食品のコーナーにあり、もう一つは『Snapea Crisps』でなぜか野菜売り場に置いてある。
It is interesting for me to learn there are 2 kinds of flavored pea snacks, and they are put in different places in the store. One is named Saya; they are in the Asian food corner. Another one is named Snapea Crisps; they are in the vegetable department. I wonder why.

私はやはり断然『Saya』のほうが好きだ。『Snapie crisps』はアメリカの人好みの味付けになっているようだ。
The taste of each one is a little different. I like Saya because its taste is strong flavored with pea, it is same with the Japanese snack. I think the taste of the Snapea crisps is good for Americans.

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