Sunday, December 19, 2010

Snowy days~ 雪の日々


The snowy season has come. We had our first snow on December 1st. I was scared to drive into my garage because there was a lot of snow in the driveway when I came back home. I couldn't control my car; I couldn't go foreward. I had to back my car to the road in front of the driveway and try it again. I learned that is was not good to use the brake pedal. I went straight to the garage without stopping. I was very scared!

It is a picture of the pond in front of my house on the day the snow began to pile up.

This is a picture two days later. The pond froze over.

I saw long icicles under the eaves.


I was very surprised to see them for the first time last winter because I have never seen an icicle in winter in Kamakura in Japan. The tempreture is around 23°F every day lately. It is very cold!


2 weeks later. The pond froze over completely; there is a little snow on it.
We have snow showers every day, but we don't have much snow.

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