Sunday, December 2, 2012

鎌倉文学館〜Kamakura Museum of Literature


 Kamakura Museum of Literature is close to Hase Temple.

The entrance

We walked through a cut(kiritooshi) like the following.

There are many cuts in Kamakura. "Cuts or Kiritooshi" 
are roads dug into hills or mountains; they are like short tunnels.


The museum contains materials about writers who lived in Kamakura. This house was built in 1936 as a villa for the noble Maeda Family. However, it was donated to Kamakura City in 1983, and it was opened to the public in 1985. 

There is a rose garden on the grounds in front of the museum.

春の雪 (Spring Snow)

A famous Japanese writer named Yukio Mishima described a village that was modeled from the house in his novel "Spring Snow", so there is a rose named after that. 

文学館では12/9まで生誕820年 源実朝展が催されています。

You can see the cut from the opposite side when you return to the gate.

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